Choose Configuration File For New Tile Plots brings up a file browser that allows you to select a file that contains configuation settings for tile plots. Settings can include information such as colors to use, number of colors to use, min and max values for the legend, etc. These settings will be used for all subsequent tile plots, until another configuration file is chosen. The ASCII configuration files can be edited manually, or saved directly from a tile plot. For further information, please see the section on Configuring plots.
Load Dataset List From File brings up a file browser that allows you to select an ASCII file that contains a list of datasets that you would like to visualize with PAVE. Loading in a dataset list from a file will first cause PAVE to remove any currently loaded datasets from PAVE's memory. In this way, dataset names loaded in will then be referenced by letters a, b, c, etc.
Load Formula List From File brings up a file browser that allows you to select an ASCII file that contains a list of formulas that you would like to visualize with PAVE. Note that any formulas loaded in will be verified against the currently loaded datasets. As long as the variables in the formulas match variables in the respective datasets, they will be loaded into PAVE. Otherwise they will be ignored.
Save Dataset List To File allows you to save a list of the currently loaded datasets to an ASCII file. If you want to look at the same set of datasets in many different PAVE sessions, you may find this feature useful. Dataset lists can subsequently be retrieved using the Load Dataset List From File menu item described above.
Save Formula List To File allows you to save a list of the currently loaded formulas to an ASCII file. If you want to look at the same set of formulas in many different PAVE sessions, you may find it useful to use this feature. Formula lists can subsequently be retrieved using the Load Formula List From File menu item described above.
Exit PAVE causes your PAVE session to end.
Edit/Select From Dataset List brings up an "Add/Delete/Select Dataset" window that allows to you load and delete datasets from PAVE's memory. Click on the "Add" button, and an EDSS File Browser should appear (this may take a couple of seconds). You can then browse for datasets on your local machine and on remote machines if your system is properly configured. For more information on using the EDSS File Browser, see Quick Pave Jumpstart.
If you want to browse for files on remote machines, first verify that you've met the requirements discussed in the Requirements for use section of this document. Then click on the large button in the center of the EDSS File Browser that contains information about "Host:", "User:", and "Owner Module:". This brings up a "host selector" window in which you can enter the remote host name (e.g. Clicking on "Select" will cause the file browser to go to your home directory on the remote machine if your system is configured properly. You should then be able to browse for files on that machine.
Datasets selected with the EDSS File Browser are loaded into PAVE sequentially, and are referenced using the letters a, b, c, etc. When a new dataset it loaded into PAVE, it becomes the currently selected dataset. You can always determine which is the currently selected dataset by looking at the "Dataset:" line on the main PAVE window. You can change the currently selected dataset by simply single-clicking on the desired dataset name in the "Add/Delete/Select Dataset" window. PAVE's "Species List" window will then contain the names of the variables contained in the dataset, each followed by the letter corresponding to the dataset.
Clicking on a dataset name and then clicking on the "Delete" button will remove that dataset from PAVE's memory. Clicking on the "Close" button will close the window.
Select Time Range of Current Dataset brings up a window with two sliders that can be used to crop the currently selected dataset's time range to a smaller time range, which by default is set to the maximum range in the dataset. Cropping, or subselecting, a dataset's time range will affect any plots made using that dataset's variables. The maximum time range that can be used for any of the variables in a plot is specified by these sliders. Please see the section on Spatial and temporal data subsetting for further information on how PAVE stores time ranges.
Select Layer Ranges Matching Current Dataset brings up a window with two sliders that can be used to change the currently selected dataset's layer range to a different layer range. By default, a dataset's layer range is set to be layer 1 (ground level) only. Changing a dataset's layer range will affect any plots made using that dataset's variables, and may also affect plots made using other datasets. The maximum layer range that can be used for any of the variables in a plot is specified by these sliders. Note that there may be multiple datasets and formulas that share the same layer range information. Please see the section on Spatial and temporal data subsetting for further information on how PAVE stores layer ranges.
Select Regions Of Interest Matching Current Dataset brings up a window that can be used to change the currently selected dataset's geographic region of interest. By default, a dataset's geographic region of interest is the entire region referenced by the dataset. This window can be used to select part of this region. Changing a dataset's geographic region of interest will affect any plots made using that dataset's variables, and possibly those of other data sets because there may be multiple datasets and formulas that refer to the same region of interest.
The geographic region of interest window has its own menu. The File menu can be used to save a geographic region of interest to a file, retrieve a region of interest from a file, or to close the window. The Edit menu can be used to easily select all of the grid cells in the window, or to select none of them. Cells can explicitly be toggled on or off by dragging the mouse over the region to be toggled. You may find that selecting a particular region is easier if you resize the window to make it larger. Please see the section on Spatial and temporal data subsetting for further information on how PAVE stores geographic regions of interest.
View Variables In Current Dataset will cause a window to appear that lists the variables in the currently selected dataset, followed by the letter that corresponds to the dataset. You can click on any of the variables to cause that variable to be added to the formula list and become the currently selected formula. The formula can then be plotted using selections from the Graphics menu without any further clicks of the mouse.
Edit/Select From Formula List brings up an "Add/Delete/Select Formula" window that allows to you add and delete formulas from PAVE's memory. You can enter a formula using the "Enter New Formula:" typein widget according to the rules described in the Using formulas section, then click on the "Add" button to load it into PAVE's memory. When a new formula is loaded into PAVE, it becomes the currently selected formula. You can always determine which is the currently selected formula by looking at the "Formula:" line on the main PAVE control window. You can change the currently selected formula by simply clicking on the desired formula name in the "Add/Delete/Select Formula" window.
Clicking on a formula and then clicking on the "Delete" button will remove that formula from PAVE's memory. Clicking on the "Close" button will close the window.
Select Time Range of Current Formula brings up a window with two sliders that can be used to crop the currently selected formula's time range to a smaller time range. Cropping, or subselecting, a formula's time range will affect any plots made using that formula. The maximum time range that can be used for the formula in a plot is specified by these sliders. Please see the section on Spatial and temporal data subsetting for further information on how PAVE stores time ranges.
Select Layer Ranges Matching Current Formula brings up a window with two sliders that can be used to change the currently selected formula's layer range to a different layer range. By default, a formula's layer range is set to be layer 1 (ground level) only. Changing a formula's layer range will affect any plots made using that formula, and possibly that of other plots too since there may be multiple datasets and formulas that share this same layer range information. Please see the section on Spatial and temporal data subsetting for further information on how PAVE stores layer ranges.
Select Regions Of Interest Matching Current Formula brings up a window that can be used to change the currently selected formula's geographic region of interest. By default, a formula's geographic region of interest is set to be the entire region referenced by the formula . This window can be used to select part of this region. Changing a formula's geographic region of interest will affect any plots made using that formula's variables, and possibly other plots since there may be multiple datasets and formulas that share this same geographic region of interest information.
The geographic region of interest window has its own menu. The File menu can be used to save a geographic region of interest to a file, retrieve a region of interest from a file, or to close the window. The Edit menu can be used to easily select all of the grid cells on the window, or to select none of them. Cells can explicitly be toggled on or off by dragging the mouse over the region to be toggled. You may find that selecting a particular region is easier if you resize the window to make it larger. Please see the section on Spatial and temporal data subsetting for further information on how PAVE stores geographic regions of interest.
Create Tile Plot makes a tile plot of data for the currently selected formula using that formula's selected geographic region of interest, layer range, and time step range. A tile plot has its own menus that can be used to operate on that tile plot and/or its data.
Create Vector Plot makes a vector plot from the formula selected as component 1 and the formula selected as component 2. The formulas selected as the components of the vector must match in geographic region of interest, layer range, and time step range.
Create Vector Tile Plot overlays a vector plot from the formula selected as component 1 and the formula selected as component 2 with a tile plot of a scalar variable. The formulas selected as the components of the vector, and the scalar must match in geographic region of interest, layer range, and time step range.
Create 3D Mesh Plot uses data for the currently selected formula at that formula's selected geographic region of interest, layer range, and time step range, to make a 3D mesh plot.
Create Time Series Line Plot makes a time series line plot using data for the currently selected formula at that formula's selected geographic region of interest, layer range, and time step range. Each time step's data is averaged linearly to produce that time step's data point. WARNING: If multiple layers are selected, PAVE 1.4.2 will show data for only the topmost layer instead of averaging the data over the selected layers.
Create Time Series Bar Plot makes a time series bar plot using data for the currently selected formula at that formula's selected geographic region of interest, layer range, and time step range. Each time step's data is averaged linearly to produce that time step's data point.
Create Scatter Plot makes a scatter plot from the formula selected as component 1 and the formula selected as component 2. The formulas selected as the components of the vector must match in geographic region of interest, layer range, and time step range.
Create N-Hour Average Tile Plot creates a tile plot that contains in the first timestep, the nhour average starting at the first timestep, in the second timestep, the nhour average starting at the second timestep, etc.. First, specify the formula using the menu item Formula, and the menu item Edit/Select from Formula List prior to the selection of the Create N-Hour Average Tile Plot. The title for tile plot generated by the Create N-Hour Average Tile Plot menu is labeled n-hour average, i.e. n-hour average:formula name
Create N-Layer Average Tile Plot creates a tile plot of the nlayer average for the layers selected using the menu item Formulas, then the menu Select Layer Ranges Matching Current Formula. The title for tile plot generated by the Create N-Layer Average Tile Plot menu is labeled n-layer average, i.e. n-layer average:formula name
Animate Tile Plots Synchronously.. animates all currently displayed tile plots in a round-robin fashion. As of Version 1.7, PAVE will synchronize the animation based on the time stamps of the plots, as opposed to the frame number. As a result, files that start at different times can be animated synchronously in a meaningful way.
Set Minimum Frame Time.. brings up a window that allows you to adjust the minimum time between animation frames. This is useful if you have an extremely fast machine on which you want to slow down the animation. The minimum time can be set in 0.1 second increments to any value between 0 and 5 seconds.
Set Tile Plot Cross Section Type brings up a sub-menu that can be used to choose the axis on which PAVE slices the data to make a plot. By default, PAVE does a "Z Cross Section" plot, where every data point on the plot is on the same Z layer. "X Cross Section" and "Y Cross Section" plot types can also be chosen. Subsequent plots will reflect the chosen plot type. Choose X Cross Section when you want to plot a cross section in which the x coordinate is constant, and Y Cross Section when you want the y coordinate to be constant. Note that you will have to adjust your geographic region of interest and the layer range appropriately for the plot type, as PAVE needs to have the geographic region of interest sufficiently cropped for it to be able to resolve which individual plane it is plotting. The other sub menu items are currently grayed out, as PAVE doesn't make use of them. Future versions of PAVE may have these enabled.
Default slices.. is grayed out as PAVE doesn't use this feature.
AVS5 saves the currently selected formula's data to an AVS5 field file, that can then be visualized with the Application Visualization System from Advanced Visual Systems, Inc.
netCDF saves the currently selected formula's data to a Models-3 IO/API data file. Data in this format can be visualized later using PAVE, or any other program that reads netCDF/Models-3 IO/API data files. You may find it helpful to save your data this way to perform an extraction from your data, or save the result of a complex formula to prevent having to recalculate the result.
Tabbed ASCII saves the currently selected formula's data to a tab delimited data file suitable for reading into a spreadsheet application such as Excel or Lotus.
Data Explorer and Iris Explorer are grayed out, as this functionality has not yet been added to PAVE.
User Guide first looks on the local disk for the PAVE user guide, for <top level PAVE directory>/doc/pave/Pave.html. If this file does not exist, it attempts to connect to the on-line user guide installed at CEP, which is at
Frequently Asked Questions first looks on the local disk for the PAVE FAQ, for <top level PAVE directory>/doc/pave/Pave.FAQ.html. If this file does not exist, it attempts to connect to the FAQ installed on-line at CEP, which is at
Models-3 IO/API attempts to use Mosaic to browse the Models-3 IO/API web pages located at
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